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19 Nov 2009

Hedge Funds Benefit From Appreciaton Of Gold/Emerging Markets/Europe

HedgeCo News Archives -

New York ( – “ performed as advertised in October—they hedged,” said Nadia Papagiannis, Morningstar alternative investment strategist. “Though the economy may be recovering, managers appear positioned for a reversal.”

However, in the Morningstar Europe Equity category had inflows of $847 million.

following arbitrage strategies and buying distressed securities have enjoyed a tremendous year, as they continue to profit from assets acquired at fire-sale prices in late 2008. Profits are starting to narrow, however, as the discounts on assets are diminishing.

Certain emerging market countries, such as China and Russia, posted significant gains, the performance of emerging market depended on country allocation. In developed markets, European and Asian equity markets declined less than the U.S. equity market, but this did not carry over to .

that make make macro-economic bets in equities, fixed-income, currencies, and commodities benefited from the appreciation of gold, which reached record highs in October, moves in the Australian dollar versus the U.S. dollar, and price trends in global government bonds. Price-trend-following funds were hit by a reversal in the trends in equity and currency markets in late October, though, resulting in overall losses.

Meanwhile, Eurekahedge reported global inflows totaling $10.2 billion for October, while performance-based losses were $2.4 billion. Total assets under management (AUM) have increased by $7.8 billion in October, bringing AUM to a total of $1.45 trillion.

Alex Akesson
Editor for
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Two-Tiered Hedge Fund Market - Hedgebay

HedgeCo Blog Archives - The October edition of Hedgebay Trading Corporation’s monthly index has shown that the purchase of hedge fund assets is being driven by two prevailing sentiments among investors, creating a two-tier hedge fund market.

The Hedgebay Global Hedge Fund Secondary Market Index reveals a wide discrepancy between the highest and lowest prices at which secondary market users were willing to trade at.

The highest trade took place at NAV, the second time in the last three months that this watermark has been reached. This is symptomatic of confidence returning to some sections of the industry. However, the number of trades occurring at the lower end of the scale, the lowest of which took place at only 40% of NAV, shows that the search for liquidity and the cleaning-up of unwanted positions is still taking place.

“The trade at 100% of NAV shows that investors are increasingly willing to pay top dollar for high quality and hard to come by funds." Elias Tueta, co-founder of Hedgebay, commented, "More and more we will see trades reaching, and maybe even exceeding, NAV as investors increasingly put their faith in these high end assets. However, in the other extreme, the trade at 40% of NAV, and the volume of trades at a similar level, still shows that riskier, less liquid assets –notably side-pockets -are increasingly overvalued. Sellers currently still have to offload these kinds of assets at whatever price they can get”

Though the disparity in the valuation of assets suggests a continuing lack of conviction among hedge fund investors, the index also provides signs of encouragement for the industry. The average price (in terms of percent of NAV) rose to 87% - the first time in five months that the average price of assets being traded has risen. While the rise in the average price is a reason for optimism, Hedgebay has indicated that hedge funds’ portfolios have not yet been fully cleaned-up:

“During a month of heavy trading volume, the average price is up almost 400 basis points from September. This, perhaps even more than the trade at 100% of NAV, is a sign of increasing optimism, but it is not yet conclusive. When we start to see a substantial amount of trades being done at around the 95% level, then we might begin to say that the hedge fund market is almost back to normal.”

The Hedgebay Global Hedge Fund Secondary Market Index, launched in September, provides hedge fund investors with statistics on the key aspects of the secondary market. Most notably it offers the average discount or premium to Net Asset Value (NAV) of hedge fund shares traded during the month.

Hedge Fund Billionaire John Paulson To Launch Gold Fund

HedgeCo News Archives - According to investors, hedge fund manager John Paulson, who through Paulson& Co., has raised over $1 billion for clients, has plans to launch a fund dedicated to buying up shares of bullion-related investments.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the gold fund will aim to outperform gold prices, by investing in gold-related shares and derivatives. Paulson currently has more than 10% of his $30 billion or so under management in gold-related investments, according to his investors.

“Gold has gone up 10% since the start of the month,” Andrew Schneider, co-founder of HedgeCo Networks, said, “Investors may also see gold as a hedge against US dollar fluctuations.”

John Paulson is best known for his bet against financial companies before the credit crisis which some have speculated earned his firm as much as $15 billion in 2007.